Friday, November 21, 2008


This is what happens when you misbehave at aunt kristin's house.

Happy Halloween!!

The Prince and Princess Garza

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Four Month Checkup

Teryn has gained 3 lbs since her last doctors visit and is up to 15.15 lbs. She also has grown 3 inches and is 26.25 inches. Growing like a weed. The doc says she is progressing well. She had carrots the other night for the first time and seemed to enjoy them (hence the photo). On wednesday we will try squash. Yum yum. She is rolling over now but can only go from her back to stomach but is trying really hard to go back the other way. Well that is about all going on for now. Jordan is busy getting ready to be a senior in highschool and Caleb well he's ready for anything.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cousin Juliette

In the comfort of Daddy's arms.

weekend at Grandpa's

Terry and Jordan went to Ozona to play softball so me and the little ones packed the minivan and headed to Houston. We arrived Friday afternoon and stayed until Sunday. Uncle Mark drove in from Dallas, Saturday morning and Saturday evening we went to Uncle Steve's to visit and see the kiddos. Unfortunately Little Juliette wasn't up to visitors. She had an eventful day attending a birthday party and was ready to go home and relax and

not be hounded by long lost relatives so she was a little upset. Nate on the other hand was all smiles and ready to play. Grandpa was greeted with a smile and outreached hands for a big bear hug. Aunt Stephanie had gone to dinner with some friends so we missed her. Caleb and Nate enjoyed playing together and looking at the planes.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

reunion continued

rio frio family reunion july 11-13 2008

teryn at four months

sorry everyone. we were without internet for awhile and just got everything back up and running. so what's been going on? well jordan is now going to be a senior and is looking forward to that. terry is going back to coaching so he will be at the junior high again. he also is looking forward to that. i quit my job at the bank and went to work for an old customer of mine from bank of america. that hasn't gone quite as planned. he hired me to manage a private jet but the day we were to get the plane the owners pulled out of the contract so i have been doing other things for him. mostly i have been at home, which has been nice. he will email me what i need to do and i do it on my own time. so as for now i still am getting paid. not much has been going on with caleb, he's still three and a big handful. teryn is now four months and looks like she is 6 months. she is now eating rice cereal and sometimes likes it and sometimes just wants a bottle. she started rolling over last week and is still just the happiest baby ever. we went to a family reunion last weekend at the rio frio and everyone just loved her. we all had a blast floating the river. caleb liked to act like an alligator and sneak up on everyone and teryn enjoyed floating in her boat. the weather was beautiful and the water was nice and cold (hence the name rio frio). there was a total of 32 of us. caleb liked to chase the jack rabbits and deer outside our cabin. i will start to download photos once i get them all in the computer. i hope all is well with everyone and hope to see you soon.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

AAAAHHHHH!!! What a cute young man!!

Jordan is a car owner. Watch out!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

i wanted to get a picture of teryn and the boys but one was not home and the other wasn't interested so we found other participants. can you tell which one is teryn? hee hee

Thank You Uncle Rudy!!

Teryn received an unexpected surprise today. She had a visit from the UPS man. In her package was a beautiful quilt and lamb blanket both with her name and birthday embroidered on them sent to her from Uncle Rudy in Kansas. Both of these will bring her comfort and enjoyment as she grows throughout the years. Thank you for such an incredible gift!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

One Month!!

it's been one month now since teryn joined us and it feels like she has been with us forever. it's hard to explain but i feel like we are finally complete. she has had an exciting month with us.

she went on her first fishing trip when caleb caught his first fish (see video) and endured her first softball tournament this weekend. everyone just oohed and aahed all over her. in fact several women commented on how jealous they were on how good she was. apparently they had criers. she is sleeping through the night now. she will take her last bottle between 10:00 and 11:00 and sleep until 6:00. she went to 6:45 this morning. caleb is being a great big brother. he enjoys pushing her in the stroller and is still very protective. jordan turned 17 this month and is working on getting his license. his permit came in the mail today and he was excited about that. i am waiting for the packet to come in so we can log his driving hours to get his actual license. he spends alot of time with his friends at the basketball court or chasing girls but i guess that's the life of a teenager. it hard to believe he's not my little freckled face green eyed monster anymore.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

caleb caught his first fish today.

teryn has settled in nicely and caleb has finally started to calm down. he is very protective of her and his teachers at daycare says he talks about his baby teryn all day. teryn is still eating every 4-5 hours and is taking 4-5 ounces each time, she definitely developed her dads appetite. as for caleb and his hair, i am happy to report that his curls are coming back (sorry mark and dad. i know how much you loved them).

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008

3/14/2008 Starting to fill out. Teryn is up to 3-4 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours. She definitely likes to eat.


We were blessed with our beautiful daughter Teryn Kim Garza on 3/2/2008 at 7:59 a.m. Weighing in at 7 lbs 7ozs and 20 inches long.